18 thoughts on “Poetry Contests?

  1. Iam sure you can find contests online but many charge a fee ya know. I always wanted to enter one. Would love to read some of your poetry. CHECK out a few that I have posted on my blog


    1. I’ve looked online but all I’m finding are closed contests and those that charge submission fees.
      And I’ve got most of my work posted on here if you want to read my poetry.
      I’ll take a look 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. There is a website called Poets and Writers that lists contests. You have to do a lot of browsing to find free ones though. Most contests charge and use the fees to pay the awards. But there are literary magazines that publish poems and don’t charge. Try googling Poetry submissions or find the book Poets Market for this year and it will list hundreds of markets for poetry, along with the type of poems they publish and submission guidelines. You have to be tenacious, it’s tough out there. Just keep submitting stuff and expect rejections, lots of them. You can’t take it personal because editors all look for different things, and one might not like your style while another loves it. Good Luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! And I don’t care to get a rejection, as long as I hear SOMETHING back. I’ve submitted to several different contests and publishers haven’t heard a single word back other than, “we’ve received your submission” haha that’s what’s aggravating me.


      1. I know that feeling! I actually have been happy when I got a “nice” rejection for something. It is much better than feeling like they read two lines and moved on! Keep submitting!


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