Pray For Paris


This has got to stop. This world is all of our homes- whether we live in the US, Europe, or the Middle East. We’re all humans, yet somehow, humanity is severely lacking. We shouldn’t have to be on guard when we close our eyes at night, when we wake up each morning, or when we step out of our house. Just because someone believes, thinks, looks, or speaks differently than you, doesn’t mean that they truly are all that different. They’re still a person, with a family, with a home, with hopes, dreams, and aspirations… they’re still a person with a life. Respect, love, and understanding need to finally step onto the stage because I’m starting to get very tired of the show I’ve been watching.

To the Christians

I want to say a quick “Thank You!” to everyone who writes about God (in a positive way), who plays Christian music in their place of work, and who isn’t afraid to carry their bible or a piece of scripture with them wherever they go. I appreciate and respect all of you.
In a world where sin is worshipped, where God is a forgotten entity but a common curse word, and where believing in something -believing in anything- is becoming unfashionable, it’s a very commendable act to openly express your love for and the word of God to a society that greatly needs it.

*This post may be unpopular among some of you, and you’re free to disagree! I may not agree, but I respect all religions (or lack there of). It’s not my place to judge, but I felt the need to thank those who support my beliefs. To each their own. Thank you.