To the Christians

I want to say a quick “Thank You!” to everyone who writes about God (in a positive way), who plays Christian music in their place of work, and who isn’t afraid to carry their bible or a piece of scripture with them wherever they go. I appreciate and respect all of you.
In a world where sin is worshipped, where God is a forgotten entity but a common curse word, and where believing in something -believing in anything- is becoming unfashionable, it’s a very commendable act to openly express your love for and the word of God to a society that greatly needs it.

*This post may be unpopular among some of you, and you’re free to disagree! I may not agree, but I respect all religions (or lack there of). It’s not my place to judge, but I felt the need to thank those who support my beliefs. To each their own. Thank you.

18 thoughts on “To the Christians

  1. I highschool I had a teacher, who used to play worship music in her office all the time. It was the most peaceful room in the building and I used to go there, when I needed to find a space to clear my head. I think she was courageous for being so open about her faith on her job! i can identify with this post 🙂


  2. Bless you for writing this. We should never be ashamed or afraid of who we are. I am open about my faith and anyone who doesn’t like it, too bad. I respect everyone’s choice and will not castigate someone for their belief, it should be reciprocated.


  3. God for me never gets hidden from others. An the people who want to scoff or try an insult me bring out the best in me. Because when i respond to them i somehow end up speaking with more clarity and depth than i would if it was a normal conversation without that added pressure and attitude they come at me with.
    I have been known to have a temper when it comes to certain things. But i know it is important not to bring my emotional response into the mix when god is the topic. Because no one will listen to a person with a temper. It undermines your stance. And i dont know how i am able to manage it but in these situations it seems god kinda keeps my heart steady and calm. An example of what im talking about can be found on my wordpress under the title interesting conversation. It is a good read.

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    1. I’ll try to find that and give it a read.
      I do think God helps us find the words when we’re talking about him. He guides our thoughts and mouths to speak his word through our voice. And I agree with you about tempers. I tend to tune people out once they start getting angry or overly upset, and I have have a habit of getting that way myself. It’s just one of my many flaws.

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  4. AMEN, SISTER!!!! I just took a Bible lesson to read while waiting in the waiting room for my car to be looked at. I pray for God to give me even more boldness–to carry my Bible in next time! Love your post. God does too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 And that’s great! I think the thought of possible embarrassment is what drive a lot of people away from God and celebrating him in public. I hope you continue to carry your bible and I hope others begin to.


  5. P.S. I get you about the temper. Taming the poison of the tongue (per James 3:7-9) is a prayer He lead me to say then He seconded. I prayed it, then He (through my computer) random-Bible-versed me those very verses. He is a good to speak to us and He is a constantly communicating God!!! Open the ears folks!! God loves a beginner! He will put His hand in yours!

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