National Black Cat Day


It has been almost 2 years since I lost Nigel and I still think about him everyday. Not everyone can understand how much this little guy meant (and still means) to me because he was “just a cat.” But he was so much more than that. He was my best friend– He was always there for me, he comforted me, he loved me unconditionally. He didn’t care how I looked, what I had done wrong, if I stayed in bed all day long (which he preferred, actually), or when I forgot to do my homework. When I felt like no one else cared, I knew he always did. He may not have understood exactly what was happening in my life, but that didn’t matter. He stayed by my side and wanted nothing more than my love in return.
I’ve never met a cat, or any human for that matter, with such love in their hearts, and I don’t know if I ever will again. I still think I hear his meows outside my bedroom door at night sometimes and I can still feel him wrapping his arms around me and hugging my neck. I had him since I turned 5. I can’t remember a time before he was in my life and I’m still trying to adjust to him not being around.
You may think I’m a “crazy cat lady,” but that’s okay, as long as that means that I get to experience true, undoubted love like his.

Happy National Black Cat Day

34 thoughts on “National Black Cat Day

  1. After my dog died, brigit, a lonely cat came around to guard me and be at my side. This was back at 2005, it so weird that after one week brigit passed away, the cat stayed, named her brunhilda.

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    1. My oldest cat that I have now, Clizby, came as another one of my cats, Spooky, was sick. She laid with her on the porch every night and never left her side. After Spooky passed away, the stray stuck around, had kittens, now sleeps on my bed with me every night. It’s funny how things happen.


      1. It’s the intercat relationship that makes you appreciate them more than people. A growl and hiss and most things are over. Not all that backbiting and carrying grudges.šŸ˜€


  2. I was driving home after work when a white dove flew up off the edge of the road. I said to myself, “My dog just died.” When I got home my parents were distraught, thinking they had to break the news. I said, “I know”. I had that dog for seventeen years. Some things are boundless and unexplained.

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    1. I’m very sorry šŸ˜¦ I have had similar experiences, just a sudden sickening feeling that something isn’t right. I think a bond between an animal a person can be very strong, just like when a close family member dies, people claim to sometimes feel it as it happens.

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      1. I am sorry for your loss, too. My mom had a black cat that was her favorite of all cats. She still has a plaque up on her wall, in memory. Oh yes, I knew something was terrible wrong when my dad had his first two heart attacks. I thought I was crazy at 4am!


  3. Such love is oft if not impossible to find in human form. Beautiful thoughts and a gorgeous kitty. Wishing you a future filled with such love like Nigel’s!

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  4. I totally get it. I lost my cat Mysty a couple years ago and I still miss her. It’s not unusual for me to glance up and catch a glimpse of her sweet, heart-shaped face peeking at me from round a corner, she is still with me in some ways.
    Odd that some people use the term ‘just a cat’. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard ‘just a dog’ said to a grieving canine owner… You certainly needn’t feel apologetic or ‘crazy’, all pets are special for the very reason that they teach us unconditional love.

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    1. I think I see Nigel running across my living room floor or drinking from the water bowl sometimes. He was a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I thought I was going crazy until my fiance mentioned that he thought he heard him meowing once. If we truly need them, they stay with us and I sincerely believe that.
      So many people think cats are these terrible creatures, at least people that I end up being around. But they just haven’t offered one their time and love. They can be the most affectionate animals. I’ll admit to being a “crazy cat lady” because I am crazy over cats. I love them unconditionally, and they’re the only species I can say that about.

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  5. Having had cats most of my life, I get this. In my many years on this planet, I’ve had to say goodbye to quite a few of them, and it is never easy. Each one brings something into my life that never seems to go away when they do. So, if you are crazy, I guess I am too (well, I am… but that’s a completely different story).

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    1. I’ve had quite a few as well, and I agree, they all do bring something into your life and you never seem to forget it. They’re definitely special animals. And I can attest that I am in fact, very crazy for multiple reasons, only one is my ridiculous love of cats. So, I completely understand where you’re coming from. haha

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